Computer Of Death

Ok everyone. I'm going to share a spooky story that happened 0.0000000001.0000.1.0 inches ago. So, I was on eBay and I was looking for a computer and stuff. Then, I found it, it was beautiful. Here is the screen cap of what it looked like.
It was kinda weird at first and it had a dent in it. But it had free shipping so it was ok. I bought it and to my suprise it was already out of the box. I was like "WTF?" but it still was ok. I turned it on.
It was terrible.
There was blood and PATRIXXX was my desktop.
I was sobbing and then i turned around and i saw him
>Suddenly he penetrated my butthole
>I loved i-
>Shrek is love, Shrek is life
Sorry about that 
Anyway I-
>Shrek Is love
Ok, now go away
(Um, guy that gets raped by Shrek, this is your manager, you aren't suspossed to be here.)
Yes finally go awa-
Is he gone?
anyway the desktop was PATRIXXX and blood was everywhere. I died to death. I went to heaven and God facepalmed. "I thought that you used Amazon you fucktard!"
"LOL Amazon is gey."
"Fine, if you give me another chance I'll shop on Amazon."
"You've bribed me well, cuck."
And i was back on Earth
I shopped for another computer.
It was bootifulz
I bought it and then it made my  old computer mad so it powered off so i just threw it in the trash.
The other computer got to my house and it had blood all over it and said 666 like in the picture. It was gonna eat me, but it took a look at my other demon computer in the trash and it said.
"dafaq are you doing here, you eBay piece of shit."
My old demon computer sprung up and said
"Says Amazon."
They got pissed and started stabbing their screens
blood was spread
e v e r y w h e r e
I mean it.
Then they said "Fuck this lets do something else."
And they started having
jk they were having sex
The wires were pulsating in the screen
I was jerking off in the corner and that made them horny 
they were squirting everywhere
i was catching it on my mouth
i was fucking the computer
the speakers were yelling my name
it was beautiful
i was yelling and crying
it was beautiful
i got a piece of glass on my bulging sausage
and it bled on the computers hairy vagina
it was good
and i cummed everywhere
Now, if you think i was fucked up for writing a fanfic over electronics
then i think you are fucked up for reading this far
they went to starbucks after that....incident.
and i was sitting there
like nothing happened
and btw
Do i get a medal now
The End